Thursday, February 13, 2014

For Mercie's Sake by Sharon Srock

Today - free Kindle download!
This is a delightful short story (around 60 pages). If you've got an hour and a few tissues handy, read it. You'll enjoy it.

Sixteen year old Scottlyn was raped when on a visit to a college she was checking out. A pregnancy results and when she refuses to abort, her father kicks her out of the house. But Scottlyn is determined to be the mother she never had. She finds a place in a home for pregnant teens. Attending her old high is impossible when the younger brothers of the rapist cause trouble. Scottlyn is invited to attend a Christian school. There she meets Mrs. Kensington, a relatively recently widowed and childless woman who asks every day, “What now, God?”

This is a great story of listening to that quiet voice of God when you come across someone in need. You'll be encouraged by the strength of Scottlyn and the compassion of Diana Kensington. And you will marvel at how God brought these two women together so that each might be healed and restored.

Sharon Srock went from writing science fiction, Star Trek style, to Christian fiction and is the author of several novels. She and her husband live in Oklahoma. You can find out more about her at

You can buy this short story here.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this novella through the Book Group Network for the purpose of this honest review.

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