Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Grace is Not a Get Out of Hell Free Card by Steve Foss

Although grace is the way of salvation,” Foss writes, “it is not a license to live without accountability.” (3) Grace does not release us from the responsibility to lead a godly life – it empowers us to do so. But we have to decide to do that and fight the battle in the mind.

Foss defines grace: “Grace is the undeserved, unearned favor of God that gives us access to the power of God for everything we need for life and godliness.” (29) It is not to be confused with mercy. “Mercy is when we are released from the judgment we deserve.” (32)

Based on 2 Peter 1:2-3, Foss says we must seek out revelation (knowledge) so that grace is multiplied to us. As we gain more revelation, we have access to the secrets in the deep and intimate knowledge of God. While we can gain some of this on our own, he says, God has given us apostles, prophets, etc., to reveal that knowledge. Using the tabernacle as a model, he explains how we enter into the secret place of God.

This is a good book for charismatic Christians, an encouragement to press on and live the godly life God desires. I really appreciated his teaching on the role of the law in this era of grace. He has good teaching on humility too. I also appreciated his balanced teaching on prosperity and poverty.

Foss' message is an important one for us today. God has given us grace so that we can have access to Him and live the life He desires of us. Reading this book will help you do that.

You can find out more about the book, the author, and read a sample chapter here.

Steve Foss has ministered around the world. He is the founding pastor of The Upper Room Church, one of the fastest growing churches in Texas.

Charisma House, 207 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of thei independent and honest review.

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