Friday, February 28, 2014

Hidden Falls: Episode 4 by Olivia Newport

At the end of episode three, we were left with Sylvia discovering that her bookshop had been broken into. Gift items had been broken and paintings slashed. Books were strewn everywhere. This store was her livelihood and she couldn't even call her best friend to tell him about it because he was missing.

Jack tries to enlist new clients but instead of getting any, he ends up looking for their missing puppy. Nicole is in her investigative reporter mode and tries to find some background on Quinn. Liam is still trying to deal with the missing money, money people might think he had embezzled.

At the end of this episode it is Dani whose life is in danger. Monday is over and the suspense has heightened. The story is moving along and getting a little more complex. I'm hooked.

Barbour, 61 pages.

I requested and received a complimentary egalley of this episode from the publisher for the purpose of this independent and honest review.

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