Wednesday, February 19, 2014

One Realm Beyond by Donita K. Paul

I really liked this novel. I think it is probably the best fantasy I've read in several years.

Cantor was born with the gift to walk between the worlds. Finally it is time. In his first journey through the portal to another realm, he is to find his dragon. Within a few minutes of being in the new world, he does meet a dragon – Bridger, a bumbling and inept dragon that insists he's the one for Cantor. But when Bridger almost sets himself on fire, Cantor is not so sure this is the one. He'll keep looking.

As Cantor travels, Bridger on his heels, he meets Bixby – in a tree. Bixby may become a realm walker. She's not sure. She has many other special gifts and Primen (God) has not yet identified her role.

Cantor and Bixby, Bridger following along, travel this realm. They are dismayed to learn that it is plagued with evil. Even the once noble Realm Walkers Guild is in danger. There are a few in the council who destroy the others to gain power. Cantor and Bixby, with the aid of Bridger and his sister, are in a race for time to save the guild.

I really liked this novel. Donita has created a world that is very real and believable. There are no hard to understand (and pronounce) characters or places. There are no strange customs or or animals (except dragons) or plants (except one that blows up).

The best part for me were the dragons. Bridger is a riot. He has a heart of gold but is such a bumbling dragon, I just had to laugh at him. And his sister, who agrees to be Bixby's dragon temporarily, loves to shop! Both of those dragons have character!

This is definitely my kind of fantasy novel. There are clearly identified good guys and bad guys. There are crazy shape shifting dragons. There are well developed characters. There is evil needing to be eradicated and two young people growing into the task. A great book.

To find out more about the book and read the firstchapter, go to the author's web site,

Donita K. Paul retired from teaching and took up the mantle of grandma. She loves writing stories her grandchildren devour. Winner of multiple awards, she lives in Colorado.

Zondervan, 416 pages. You can buy a copy of the book here.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in conjunction with the CSFF Blog Tour.

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