Friday, February 21, 2014

ReCreatable by Kevin Scott

God wants us to experience life in its fullness, Kevin writes. But we are broken – some more than others. God is in the business of putting broken lives and relationships back together. Then He begins to work through us to bring healing to others.

ReCreatable is about being a disciple, becoming a person who
  reflects God's glory
  by living well
  in a pocket of the kingdom.

Kevin unpacks that definition in this book. He writes about how God takes the broken places in our lives and restores glory to them. Christ develops in us a sustainable pattern of faith, hope and love. He explains what it means to grow in those areas and provides a strategy to do so, giving the components of each. The emphasis is on sustainable discipleship, focusing on process rather than accomplishment.

He explains how the Bible speaks to us and shapes us as we come around Scripture. We were made to worship and he covers how we do that and how it shapes us. He explores community, its functions, attitudes and ways we welcome others through Christian mission.

Kevin has added personal reflection questions and suggestions for next steps at the end of each chapter. There is also a small group discussion guide at the end of the book so it could be used individually or in a discipleship group.

We are to become mature human beings. Kevin has written this book for those who want to grow in their walk with Christ. We've been saved and justified. Now it is time to work on our brokenness. “The gospel is about redemption: God re-creating everything that was broken by sin and giving us the opportunity to enjoy eternal life in his kingdom.” (201)

This is an excellent book for new believers and for Christians who have not put much effort in their Christian walk.

Kevin Scott is book acquisitions editor for Wesleyan Publishing House. He received a master's degree in exegetical theology from Covenant theological Seminary. He is one of the (tentmaking) pastors of a small community of believers in Noblesville, Indiana called The Heights Church. He's been married to Debbie for twenty years and they have three children. You can find out more about him at

Kregel Publications, 272 pages.

I received a complimentary galley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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