Friday, February 7, 2014

The Truest Thing About You by David Lomas with D. R. Jacobsen

Identity is important. It is the lens through which we see the world. Our actions rise out of our sense of identity.

Usually we think of our identity as a mixture of what we do (I'm an executive.), what we have (I'm a house owner.), and what we desire. (I found his discussion on desire to be especially insightful. We Christians are told that if we desire God more, then we will have a real relationship with Him. The desire defines us.)

We also have so many voices telling us who we are, labeling us.

Lomas argues, “Identity in Christ is truer than every other voice we hear.” He defines identity: “The deep knowledge of where I come from, where I'm going, and to whom I belong.” This Imago Dei, who we are, comes before what we do. Our actions flow from our identity. “The call of the Christian life is to become who you are.”

I was impressed with this book. In today's culture there is so much pressure to be associated with a particular social identity. Lomas calls us to our deepest identity, to our identity in Christ. He encourages us to recognize what God says is true about us, our truest identity into which we can live.

You can watch a video and read an excerpt at

David Lomas serves as the pastor of Reality San Francisco. He and his high school sweetheart have been married for eleven years.

David C. Cook, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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