Sunday, February 2, 2014

What's Your Worldview? by James N. Anderson

Each one of us has a worldview, whether we realize it or not. It shapes how we view and respond to the world around us. It shapes our politics, other opinions, and how we interpret experiences.

If you are not sure of your worldview, this book is for you. It will help you understand your own worldview and introduce you to some others.

This book works like those “choose your own ending” books we used to read. You are given a question and, depending on your answer, directed to another page. After a number of question you will find yourself at a page describing your worldview, your overall view of all of reality. You will be able to identify your fundamental beliefs about God (whether He exists or not), truth (whether it is relative or absolute), meaning of life, etc.

You might be surprised where your choices ultimately lead you. You can always go back and see what kind of a worldview you would have with different choices and resulting beliefs.

Once you've figured out your worldview, you are encouraged to evaluate it and determine if you are actually living in a way consistent with it. There is a possibility that you might want to change your worldview. After seeing where your choices lead you, you may not like the result. Alternative worldviews are presented for your investigation.

This book is by no means a complete look at worldviews. But that is not its aim. It is a jumping off point for thinking and talking about your own worldview. The author is quick to point out that he has a bias (as do all people because of their worldview). But I found the book to be a good objective exercise. I think anyone wanting to understand their own belief system will benefit from this book.

James N. Anderson is associate professor of theology and philosophy at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, and an ordained minister in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church.

Crossway Books, 112 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.

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