Saturday, March 8, 2014

7 Secrets to Power Praying by Jane Glenchur

Do you engage with God during your prayer time? Glenchur wants you to learn to partner with God, establishing an intimate relationship with Him.

Glenchur shares her adventure with prayer, beginning with a stain in the carpet and asking God which stain remover was the best to buy. She was reminded that there are no restrictions in Scripture. We are to take all our cares to Him.

The book is divided into three parts. In the first part, Glenchur encourages us to rethink our limited concept of prayer. She has great teaching on learning to hear God's voice.

In the second part, she explores the seven secrets to unleash the power of prayer. The first secret has to do with being obedient to God's will. The second involves allowing God to change our hearts and minds. Another is finding out what is on God's heart. Another is about laying down the need to have every decision make sense. The rest of the secrets are also spiritually insightful.

In the last section we are taught the tools to put the seven power secrets into action, learning to ascertain God's will accurately so we can pray confidently. She has very practical suggestions for starting our days hearing from God.

This is an encouraging and insightful book. I loved her stories. They were short and perfectly illustrated her points.

Glenchur reminds us that establishing this relationship with God is a process that takes time and practice. If you want God to be an active part of your life and decisions, this book will certainly help you on your way.

Jane Glenchur, M.D., as a board certified dermatologist and dermatopathologist, worked for eight years in a private group practice. She has served in numerous volunteer capacities in addition to being active in a mother's prayer group, has been the team leader on youth mission trips, and has recently been asked to serve as a medical associate for the Global Medical Research Institute, begun by Randy Clark for the purpose of documenting medical miracles. She and her husband have two children and live in Ohio.

Chosen Books, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from Chosen Books for the purpose of this independent and honest review.

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