Monday, March 31, 2014

A Stillness of Chimes by Meg Moseley

This is a good novel but it is a little different in style. Most of the novel is character driven. The major character is Laura who has come back home during her summer break from teaching to take care of the possessions of her mother, who has recently died. Through her interaction with the people of the town, especially her high school boyfriend Sean, we learn about her past. She and Sean were close as teens but upon graduation, she ended their relationship and went far away to college. Twelve years ago her father apparently drowned while on a fishing trip although his body was never found.

Throughout the novel we get a sense that there is something going on that will ultimately generate a time of suspense. Laura finds out that there are rumors floating around town claiming her father has been seen – that he is still alive. Strange things happen around her mother's house too. Sean remembers something from his childhood involving Laura's father that adds intrigue. And Sean's own father, a nasty drunk of a man, is determined to cause trouble.

While most of the novel is character driven, there is always a hint that something suspenseful is about to happen. Hang on until the end because the suspense does come, and then the book ends rather quickly.

There are themes of forgiveness and sacrifice in the novel. There are also enough twists and turns and family secrets that the plot keeps moving. I was a little impatient with the build up for the suspense, wondering if it would ever come. The plot itself was a little far fetched, I think, but the book is written well enough that it is worth reading.

Go here to read an except from the book.

Meg Mosely and her husband live near the foothills of the Southern Appalachians. Find out more about her and her books at

Multnomah Books, 352 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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