Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Real Women Leading by Lisa Troyer and Dawn Yoder

Proverbs 31 is really a description of every woman...,” the authors write. She is an incredible multitasker and she exhibits principle and character. The authors believes God has given each of us women a purpose. We can be a woman of influence, “based on living a life built on wisdom and principled thinking and application.”

The authors help us explore ten vital principles. We see how Jesus spent time in understanding people from His interaction with the woman at the well. We find key elements include listening intently, collecting and processing facts, reading body language, and developing empathy. We look at Sapphira and see the importance of honesty. We learn being honest with others involves risk and that it is necessary for continued spiritual growth.

We learn about responsibility from Martha, a take charge woman. We learn about attitude from Ruth and how it influences our performance in every area of our life. We explore solving conflict in a healthy way from Eudia and Syntyche. We learn influence from Esther, generosity from the widow and Mary of Bethany, forgiveness from the woman caught in adultery, planning from Lydia, and restraint from Nabal's wife Abigail.

The authors have included many stories of people emulating the principle being taught in the chapter. They even include some of their own experiences. They include really practical teaching. I was particularly impressed with their section on unforgiveness.

Each chapter concludes with “The IT Factor,” designed to stimulate thought, conversation, and action. This study can be used by an individual or in a group setting.

This is a really good study for any woman who feels called to lead. The authors believe these ten values are essential to igniting transformation. If you are ready to be an influence for transformation in others' lives, this is a book you should study.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book. You can see more reviews here.

Lisa Troyer is sometimes referred to by friends as the “singing executive,” wife, mom, radio personality, recording artist, speaker, and author. She and her family live in Ohio. You can find out more about her at www.lisatroyer.com.
Dawn Yoder is a member of the John Maxwell coaching team, CEO of a 500-plus employee company, a contributing writer, a songwriter, and a frequent worship leader. She and her husband have four children. Find out more at www.dawnyoder.com.

New Hope Publishers, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through the Litfuse Publicity Group for the purpose of this independent and honest review.

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