Friday, April 11, 2014

Hidden Falls: Episode 13 by Olivia Newport

It's Wednesday in Hidden Falls, ten days since the banquet and Quinn's disappearance. Today it comes together. The mystery is revealed.

What's the final evaluation? The mystery of Quinn's disappearance pretty much made sense. There were several red herrings in the course of the episodes. Some events that seemed so important at the time were of no importance in the end. The reason for Quinn's disappearance is fully explained but not (to my satisfaction) the fact that he failed to communicate with anyone while he was gone. But then, if he had, we would not have had the mystery.

The one odd part of the novel was Ethan's heritage. It pretty much got revealed but I am not sure it had any real impact on the plot. It almost seems like it just filled up plot space, so to speak.

Probably the most rewarding aspect of the novel is the relationships that changed over the time of Quinn's absence. Cousins are finally friends. Old sweethearts are finally together again. New sweethearts are making their way to the future.

This was a fun series to read, a chunk at a time. I wonder how it would read in one setting.

Olivia Newport has lived in many small Illinois towns and now enjoys life in Colorado at the foot of the Rockies.

Barbour Publishing, 62 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this episode from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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