Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Face to Face with Jesus by Samaa Habib

Habib grew up in a Muslim family in a nation 98% Muslim and where radical Muslims considered Christian converts traitors worthy of horrible death.

She shares about the civil war in the country, Sunni and Shia Muslims fighting, seeing atrocities against civilians. At times her family crawled around in the house so they would not be shot through the windows. Her father went bankrupt and there was no more school for her.

Her life would change dramatically when she began attending a Taekwondo class. She was given a children's Bible and at age fourteen became a Christian. She attended church. She had a dream where Jesus appeared to her. She began to pray for her family. She was beaten by her brother, received threats from her neighbors, and hated by her father. She experienced miraculous protection from God as she was attacked several times.

There was a bombing in her church and Habib was badly injured with burns and a split skull. She died and went to heaven, seeing Jesus. He gave her the option to return to earth which she chose, giving her life to His service. She had a lengthy and miraculous recovery from here severe injuries, even while being persecuted by Muslim doctors and nurses. She continued to witness, first as a waitress, then a model and real estate agent. Miraculously, she went to the U.S. to mission school and then on mission journeys. She continues with the mandate to wake up the Church and encourage Christians to speak the Good News.

Habib reveals a great deal about Muslim culture and belief. About her conversion, along with several of her sisters, she wrote, “In Islam my father would be justified in killing us. It would be an honor killing as we lived in a shame culture and the only way to remove shame was by death.” (122) She persevered in her faith and ultimately saw her mother and finally her father come to faith in Jesus.

Hers is a powerful story of God moving among the Muslims. It shows the high cost of a Muslim becoming a Christian. She encourages us to pray for Muslims, that God would send out laborers for the harvest. Read this memoir and know that God is moving today among the Muslim believers. It will inspire you to get on your knees.

Samaa Habib grew up in an Islamic family in the Middle East. Converted to Christianity, she experienced persecution, had a death experience and had a facet-face encounter with Jesus. Since then she has traveled the world, sharing her testimony.
Bodie Thoene has written over sixty five novels, selling over thirty five million copies and winning eight ECPA Gold Medallion Awards.

Chosen Books, 272 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from Chosen Books for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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