Friday, May 16, 2014

You Can Begin Again by Joyce Meyer

No matter what your past, Meyer says, you can begin again. You have to be willing to take that step but God's grace will enable you.

This is another biblical and very practical book from Meyer. She begins with the underlying biblical basis for beginning again. She covers how to deal with your emotions, defeating the giants in your life, taking that first step, refusing to give up, learning from past mistakes, embracing plan B, dreaming again, and much more.

Meyer has included many inspirational stories of people who could have quit but instead began again. She has lots of practical steps to take based on the Word. All of it is wrapped in the necessity of having a deep and abiding relationship with the Lord.

God created you with unique gifts and talents. This book will encourage you, no matter what has happened before, to begin again in living the live God has for you. And just in case you don't know God personally, there is a prayer of salvation at the end.

Food for thought: “God wants you to participate in the miracle He is doing in your life.” (110)

Joyce Meyer is one of the world's leading practical Bible teachers. She has written over 100 books and has TV and radio programs broadcast worldwide. She travels extensively, holding conferences around the world.

FaithWords, 224 pages.

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