Thursday, July 3, 2014

Adventures Under the Mango Tree by Lillian Ann Klepp

In 2001, during Sudan's civil war, a couple from Wisconsin stepped out in faith to help the Sudanese children – those whose lives had been devastated by the conflict. Dennis and Lillian Klepp sold all their possessions and went to a foreign land.

Klepp tells her own story of marriage at a young age, medical issues in the family and miraculous healings, then feeling the burden for orphans and widows. She heard about the atrocities taking place in the southern region of Sudan in the late 1990s at an Aglow convention. Moved, she asked God what to do.

God's answer to her question changed her life. They started a nonprofit called Harvesters Reaching the Nations. When Dennis went to Yei, Sudan, the village elders gave him ninety acres of fertile land with teak and mango trees.

Now, two orphanages on two properties care for for the needs of over two hundred children. The Harvesters' school provides education for more than five hundred local children. His House of Hope, the hospital opened in 2012, provides help for women and children.

Life was not easy for the Klepps. There were times when Dennis was in the US and Lillian was the only foreigner for miles around. There were spiritual battles with demons. There were physical attacks as the civil war continued until 2005 and unrest continued beyond that. There were medical emergencies requiring trips back to the US.

This is an inspiring story. The Klepps continue to build their ministry under adverse conditions and plan to duplicate their model in other regions of South Sudan. Their story is one of trusting God, knowing that He who calls also equips.

You can read inspiring Harvesters' stories of Sudanese children in South Sudan at

Lillian Klepp is co-founder of Harvesters Reaching the Nations. A native of Wisconsin, Lillian spent her professional career working as an occupational therapy assistant. She and her husband formed their ministry in 2001, sold everything and moved to Sudan. Known as “Mama Lilly” in South Sudan, she and Dennis now serve alongside ten other expatriate missionaries. You can find out more at

Creative Enterprises Studios, 128 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through The Barnabas Agency for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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