Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Up From the Grave by Marilyn leach

This novel is a delightful English cozy mystery. Our heroine is Berdie Elliot, the wife of the vicar at St. Aidan of the Wood Parish Church. When the ground turning ceremony for a new garden area at the church turns up human bones, Berdie goes to work to solve the mystery.

I love the characters in this novel. They are the quirky ones you'll only find in British novels. Berdie is tenacious, fining out who the strangers in the village are and why they've come. The dialog is great with frequent humor. Berdie and her friend Lillie are a riot.

This novel requires attention to detail. There are many characters and the plot is convoluted. There are many twists and turns and I must admit I got a little lost at the very end.

Marilyn Leach loves reading English cozy mysteries, and writing them even more. You can find out more about her and her books at http://www.marilynleachteaandbooks.com/.

Harbourlight Books, 284 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through The Book Club network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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