Saturday, August 16, 2014

Believing Out Loud by Kimberly Wright

Wright battled serious fears but now God is continuing to take her fears and exchange them for courage. She now experiences victory and abundance. She now knows her value and self-worth from God. God has taken her messy life and it using it to encourage others.

She has written this book so we can know that God wants to do the same for us. She shares her own story, how she came to experience fear and panic attacks. She relates how she learned she had value in God's eyes, the need to avoid compromising situations (not being strong enough to make right choices), the importance of a mind focused on God (realizing it is a cognitive choice and takes practice), prayer, using God given courage, and serving in your gift area.

The strength of this book, I think, is in the discussion questions at the end of each chapter. On its own, this book is not a blueprint for change. Wright shares her transformation but there is no real plan presented in the book for readers to follow. This book would best be discussed among a small and close group. The support of the group would be essential in seeing the possible changes described in this book actually take place in a person.

For example: “We cannot dwell on the past,” she writes, “but instead change our focus to the new things Christ wants to do in our lives.” (123) I agree, but how is that done? Discussing the concept with a friend, one who is willing to walk you through the process and hold you accountable, might be the key to the transformation.

Food for thought: Our ultimate goal, Wright says, should be “to live our life in a way that inspires others to have an adventure with God.” (148)

Kimberly Wright was named the 2009 National Young Mother of the Year by American Mothers, Inc. She is the author of Bedtime Thoughts for the Christian Mom. She earned a BA in psychology from the University of Oklahoma and blogs weekly at She travels across the U.S. speaking at women's church retreats and conferences. She and her husband have four children and life in Overland Park, Kansas.

Leafwood Publishers, 160 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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