Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Dancing on the Head of a Pen by Robert Benson

Benson was asked, when you think you have a story to tell, how do you go about it? Hence this book. He shares how he writes a book. It works for him and maybe it will help you. He offers no guarantees, however.

Some of the ideas in the book include deciding what to write, making the barest of plans, getting through to the discipline of writing a certain number of words a day, determining specifically to whom you are writing, writing slowly and rewriting, wearing the various hats of a writer, being influenced by other authors, journaling and practice cages, strolling, sharing your work (when and to whom), and knowing when a book is finished.

This is not a how-to book. Benson gives us musings on the craft, not specific steps nor practical techniques. He often rambles, telling stories of personal experiences, ultimately illustrating a principle about the writing life.

Benson is a writer. It is who he is, not merely what he does. He shares his writing journey and, although his path may not be the same as yours, I think you'll enjoy the views he describes.

Food for thought: “I know I am finished with a book when I never want to see it again.” (159)

Robert Benson is the author of numerous books and a retreat leader, writing and speaking often on prayer, contemplation, faith, spirituality, and writing. He is a graduate of and an adjunct faculty member for the Academy of Spiritual Formation. He and his wife live in Nashville, Tennessee. Find out more at (Note: this site is about a year out of date.)

Waterbrook Press, 192 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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