Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Button Legacy: Emily's Inheritance by Ginger Marcinkowski

This is a delightful collection of heart warming short stories, each one generated by a button in a button box. Buttons tossed into an antique tin for generations, the worn cloth made into quilts. Each button tells a story, some happier than others.

It had become a family tradition, getting out the button box when the weather was bad and telling stories. There was the story of the death of a fellow Canadian lumber man. Another was the humorous time the preacher saw the bloomers on the behind of a frightened young woman. There was a dangerous canoe adventure, a painting bill paid in full, growing dust, a field mouse, blue hands, and many more.

The buttons tell stories of the family, some from the current time and some from years before. But they are more than just entertaining stories. Each one is a lesson about life, love and faith. An enjoyable book.

Ginger Marcinkowski was born in northern Maine along the Canadian border. She has been a public speaker and a visiting professor. She is a judge for the ACFW's Carol Awards, is actively involved in the Hampton Roads Writers Association, is a member of the ACFW and AWP Writer's Associations and is a columnist for Book Fun Magazine. Find out more at

Booktrope, 154 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through the Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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