Thursday, September 11, 2014

Before Amen by Max Lucado Pre-Pub Offer and Giveaway

Some people excel at prayer. Lucado wasn't one of them. He was a prayer wimp. Now he calls himself a recovering prayer wimp. Pocket prayers made the difference.

Lucado shares a pocket prayer. Here is the prayer:
  You are good.
    I need help.
      Heal me and forgive me.
        They need help.
          Thank you.
            In Jesus' name.

He expands on each part of the prayer, explaining how we can use it continually in our day. When the need arises, we pull out the pocket prayer and put it to use.

The last half of the book is the Study Guide where we are encouraged to put the pocket prayer into practice. That guide could be used personally with a journal or with a group of friends. There are questions on each chapter of the book centered around Personalize, Reflect, Abide, Yield. Other aids are at the back of the book, such as identifying your prayer strengths.

Lucado has taken a very difficult subject for many, communicating with an unseen God, and made it a very doable action. He encourages us to have the same enthusiasm as children do for their “Daddy.” He has great chapters on healing, on guilt and forgiveness, on praying for others (“I can't but You can.”), and on giving thanks. He supplements his teaching with stories told in his unique style.

This is a very encouraging book on prayer. If you think of yourself as a prayer wimp, this book will help you. Even if you excel in prayer, this book is a great reminder that it is not how we pray that counts but the One who hears it.

There are loads of other materials associated with the book so it can be used in a classroom or for sermons.

Food for thought:
This much is sure: God will teach you to pray.”

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book and you can read other reviews here.

Max Lucado has more than 120 million books in print. He and his wife live in San Antonio, Texas, where he ministers at Oak Hills Church. Find out more at

Thomas Nelson, 192 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through the Litfuse Publicity Group for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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