Saturday, September 6, 2014

Move On by Vicki Courtney

It's time to quite pretending, Courtney says. It's time to take off the masks – time to be real and share our messes. She did. Author of books on sexual purity, she didn't hide it when her engaged son came to her and weepingly told her his fiancée may be pregnant.

Concerned about the reaction to her blog post, others responded to her honesty with stories of their own imperfections. Courtney realized we are all a mess.

This book is for people who are tired of pretending and are ready to find the courage to move on. That means admitting to God that we can't do it on our own, that we need His help. It means coming clean with each other. Courtney admits this is a scary thing. Others might be uncomfortable with our honesty.

She reminds us that in God's economy, every struggle has a purpose. She helps us understand that our sins are forgiven. She gives teaching on how to deal with shame and legalism, about our need for approval and dealing with our idols.

Courtney's book is great encouragement when we mess up -which we are going to do! We are all prone to wander. She doesn't pull any punches. She is honest with her own messes and sincere in her encouragement to us. We all need this insightful book as we finish the messy race.

Courtney has added questions at the end of each chapter. They are good for personal reflection and would be great for use in a trusted group setting.

Food for thought: “You know you are maturing in the faith when you pay more attention to your own sins and faults rather than the sins and faults of others.” (159)

Vicki Courtney is a national speaker and bestselling author. She and her husband have three grown children and one grandson. Find out more at

W Publishing Group, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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