Monday, September 8, 2014

Nowhere to Turn by Lynette Eason

Eason knows how to create suspense and there is plenty of it in this novel. If you like well written suspense, you'll like this one.

Dani has planned and is finally ready to take her eleven year old son and escape from her abusive husband, Kurt. She knows she has to do this right because her husband is an FBI agent and could find her. When Kurt is shot and killed, she thinks her terror is over.

But it has just begun. Her husband was involved in some dirty activities and now others are after her. They want something Kurt left behind and she has no idea what it is. Adding to the tension is the obsession of her brother-in-law, Stuart, also an FBI agent. He and Kurt were fiercely competitive and Stuart wants the final win – Kurt's wife.

The suspense in this novel starts right at the beginning and does not let up. Dani turns to Operation Refuge for help and Aaron comes to her rescue. Taking her to a safe house is the only answer, but how safe is it when FBI agents are the ones after you?

Eason has done a great job of combining a tension filled plot with well developed characters. I really liked Simon, Dani's deaf son. He is a gutsy kid, even if he did make a bad decision or two. When I found out his deafness had been caused during one of Kurt's violent outbursts, it made me root for Dani and Simon all the more.

When I say there is suspense from start to finish, I mean it. Just when I thought all the bad guys had been dealt with, there was a twist in the plot and one last tension filled scene.

There is a little romance included too. All around, a well written and well plotted novel. I highly recommend it to lovers of suspense. (While this is the second is a series, it reads very well on its own.)

Lynette Eason is the bestselling author of the Women of Justice series and the Deadly Reunion series. She is a member of ACFW and RWA. She has a master's degree in education from Converse College and lives in South Carolina. Find out more at

Revell, 320 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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