Monday, October 27, 2014

A Promise to Protect by Patricia Bradley

This is the second in a series but even if you haven't read the first one, if you like suspenseful romance, you'll like this novel.

Dr. Leigh Somerall has returned to Logan Point. She didn't want to but it was the only place open for her to do her hospital work to pay back her loans. She didn't want to be there because Sheriff Ben Logan was there. Ben, the young man she loved in high school. Ben, the father of her nine year old son, TJ.

Tony, Leigh's brother had asked to meet Ben in another town. When Ben arrived, he found Tony near death. With his last strength, he asked Ben to protect Leigh. It soon becomes apparent Leigh's life is in serious danger. Ben's relationship with Leigh is strained. She never explained to him why she suddenly left and hurt him so badly. Leigh didn't dare tell Ben then what his father had said. She couldn't tell him now, even if he was TJ's father.

I really liked this novel. I liked the troubled character of Ben. He is riddled with guilt because a boy drowned at a camp during his watch. He knows he is to accept God's forgiveness but he keeps wondering, if he had just jumped in the water earlier, the result might have been different. I liked Leigh's character too. She knows she should tell Ben TJ is his son but she is sure Ben's father still hates her. Ben and Leigh are thrust together and one can only hope they both overcome their difficulties to experience second love. And TJ, what a great kid! What a champ for trying to help Ben's stroke damaged father to learn to communicate by using an iPad. All the time I kept hoping he'd find out he was really helping his Grandpa.

The novel is full of action too, from the murder at the beginning to the suspenseful end. Someone thinks Leigh now has the information for which her brother was killed. The murderer is not above hurting her son to get what he wants.

Building suspense and frustrated romance make this a great novel. Bradley has done a good job crafting the plot and characters. She had me fooled as to the bad guy. Good for her.

Patricia Bradley is a published short story writer and author of Shadows of the Past, the first in the Logan Point series. That manuscript was a finalist for the 2012 Genesis Award, winner of a 2012 Daphne du Maurier Award, and a winner of the 2012 Touched by Love Award. She makes her home in Corinth, Mississippi. Find out more at

Revell, 336 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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