Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Significant Life by George M. Weaver

Are you concerned that when you die you will soon be forgotten? Do you long to be noticed and remembered?

Humans long for a life of significance, Weaver writes. People want to be known, appreciated, influential, and remembered. He relates the attempts of many people to gain a life of significance. Some sought fame, others accomplishments, politics, philanthropy, even crime. All these efforts have negative side effects and actually fail, Weaver writes.

The key to significance for each human is Christianity. True significance for an individual comes from God. Weaver reminds us that man was created in God's image, each human is fully known by God, and God actually interacts with humans.

Weaver then looks at what this means, that we have our significance from God. He suggests that it allows us to be humble, to treat others the way God wants us to, and that we are able to follow our God-given purpose.

This is a great book. I look at our culture today and I see so many people trying to be somebody. This book explains why. Weaver's message is also a good reminder of who we are in Christ and what that means in how we relate to one another. A thought provoking book, I recommend it.

Food for thought: “Our identity rests in God, not in the impressions we forge in the finite minds of others...” (151)
Nothing you can do to me can threaten my significance.” (197)

George Weaver is an attorney practicing law in Atlanta, Georgia.

Crosslink Publishing, 283 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through the Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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