Sunday, November 9, 2014

Final Trimester by Dianna T. Benson

Paramedic Jodi Duncan recognizes the work of a serial killer before the Myrtle Beach PD even suspects a connection between the deaths of two pregnant women. Despite the vast differences in the two cases, Jodi urges Detective Nate Quigley to think outside the box. After digging deep into the separate investigations, Nate finds no evidence to support a serial killer theory, and he warns Jodi to back off police business, which only fuels her passion for the cases.

When a third pregnant woman is murdered, Nate is named lead detective on the case and works to link the deaths in order to unmask and stop the serial murderer, a disturbed man who believes God and the devil battle inside his head to bend him according to their wills. As he fights both voices, his interest fixates on Jodi when he discovers her obsession with ending his rampage.

I really liked this novel. It has all of the elements I like in a suspense novel. The plot is done well. It is very believable and could be something out of today's headlines. There is intense action from cover to cover. The suspense at the end is great. Just when I thought it would ease up, a twist and yet another level of suspense.

The characters are well developed too. Paramedic Duncan is a feisty woman. She is way ahead of the police in figuring out there is a serial killer at work. She also has some emotional baggage that gets her into a little trouble on her job. She is passionate about saving lives and is impatient when the police don't see it her way. Detective Quigley has some emotional baggage too. His unfaithful wife and son had died a couple of years ago. He is still coming to terms with it.

There is a little romance in the novel too, between Duncan and Quigley. They both have much to overcome. A future for them looks nearly impossible.

There is a good spiritual aspect to the novel too. Duncan and Quigley have issues with God. Before the novel is over, though, both have found renewed faith and trust in God.

Those who like suspense will like this novel. It is very well written and kept me turning pages as fast as I could until the very end. Benson is a new author for me and I will certainly be watching for the next book in the triplet series.

Watch the book trailer here.

Dianna T. Benson is an Award Winning and International Best-Selling Author. She’s the 2014 Selah Award Winner for Best Debut Novel, a 2011 Genesis Winner, a 2011 Genesis double Semi-Finalist, a 2010 Daphne de Maurier Finalist, and a 2007 Golden Palm Finalist. In 2012, she signed a nine-book contract with Ellechor Publishing House. She’s the author of The Hidden Son, her debut novel. Final Trimester is her second release. After majoring in communications and a ten-year career as a travel agent, Dianna left the travel industry to earn her EMS degree. An EMT and a Haz-Mat and FEMA Operative since 2005, she loves the adrenaline rush of responding to medical emergencies and helping people in need. Dianna lives in North Carolina with her husband and their three children. Find out more at

Ellechor Publishing House, 424 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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