Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Pound Foolish by Dave and Neta Jackson

About the book:
This is the fourth in the Windy City Neighbors series. This book intersects with book three in the series, Penny Wise. While each novel in the series can be read on its own, the characters' lives become intertwined and affect one another.

This novel explores the economic upheaval and uncertainties challenging every family. Greg Singer coordinates consumer sports shows. He has traveled much and that has put stress on his marriage. Nicole has, in fact, noticed the handsome lawyer living at the end of their block. Then the recession takes its toll on the company Greg works for and he is out of a job. Listening to their prosperity teaching pastor, Greg has plans to start his own business, expecting God to bless him richly. But it doesn't work out quite as Greg had planned.

My review:
This is a well written book but was hard for me to read. Greg wants so badly to support his wife and children that he makes unwise choices. He falls prey to get rich schemes and alienates his wife and a few neighbors. My heart just went out to him. He was so convinced God would bless his efforts, all because a preacher had twisted some verses to make them say what he wanted.

My heart went out to Nicole too. She tries so hard to be patient with Greg, even when she knows he is making unwise choices.

There are so many financial issues covered in this book it is hard to know where to start. First is the whole idea of prosperity and that God wants people rich. That's the kind of church Greg and Nicole went too. Greg loved it but Nicole “searched the Scriptures” and was uneasy with the teaching. Another issue is God's leading and blessing when trying a new venture. Greg was sure each new venture was God's way of blessing him. He even prayed, trusting God to prosper him each time. But it was not to be.

There is also the issue of family leadership covered in the novel. Greg sees himself as head of the family, meaning he does not need to consult Nicole about anything, including finances. I'm glad a wise neighbor helped him out in that area.

The Jackson's have created a well written novel that deals with some serious financial issues. This is a great novel for men to read as much of it deals with Greg and his actions as husband and financial provider for his family. I am glad that in the end, Greg learns what it means to be penny wise and pound foolish.

Find out more about the book and purchase a copy here.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book and you can read more reviews here.

Dave and Neta Jackson, husband and wife writing team, are authors or coauthors of more than 120 books that have sold over 2.5 million copies. They live in the Chicago area, where this novel is set. Find out more at http://www.daveneta.com/.

Castle Rock Creative, 332 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through Litfuse for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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