Sunday, December 7, 2014

Churchless George Barna and David Kinnaman Gen. Eds.

The number of unchurched in the U.S. has increased by 30% in the last decade. The Barna Group has produced this book to help those in a faith community build bridges between the unchurched and their community.

The spiritual lives of Americans are changing. Secularization is on the rise. One third of America's adults are essentially secular. The drift away from a “Christian nation” is predicted to continue in the years to come. “Churchgoing is slowly but incontrovertibly losing its role as a normative part of American life.” (21) “A majority of Americans no longer believe Christianity is the default faith of the nation...” (167)

I was surprised to find out that about 21% of unchurched adults are born-again. The Barna Group explores the reasons why people left the church and areas where they might reconsider a commitment to a faith community. There are those who recognize the value of being in a church community but struggle with the sense that God is missing from church and that Christians are missing the point. (175)

This is a good book for church leaders to read, including staff, ministry leaders and board members. The culture is changing and this book helps ministry leaders identify wrong assumptions and know where to move forward.

Consider this: “One thing we hear from churchless and unchurched people alike is that they intensely desire the local church to provide what no other group can offer: an experience of the presence of God.” (107)

This book reminds us that unchurched people are looking for the church to provide something they can find no where else. God. How is your church doing in that area?

Go to for graphics illustrating the concepts in the book.

George Barna is the author of over fifty books. He founded Barna Group in 1984. He lives with his wife and daughters in California.
David Kinnaman is a best selling author and president of Barna Group. He and his wife and their children live in California.

Tyndale Momentum (Tyndale Publishing House), 210 pages.

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