Wednesday, December 24, 2014

When Heaven Seems Silent by Mark & Tammy Endres

One aspect of the Charismatic community that is sometimes troubling is the “word of knowledge.” What do we do when there is a word that God is going to heal and yet nothing seems to happen for years, even decades?

This is what the Andres write about. Mark was born with a partially formed left shoulder and arm, and a bud for a hand. He and his wife started attending a church and small group where people would give words of knowledge. People indicated that God would be doing something miraculous to Mark's arm. Those words were confirmed time after time. They have been waiting twenty years for that miracle.

I am impressed with the depth of biblical understanding shared in this book. There is an excellent section on words of knowledge, hearing them, their purpose, and how to apply them. The authors explore why God might make us wait. They deal with the spiritual conditions that might prevent receiving a miracle. They explore what the Bible says about suffering and miracles. They include the stages one goes through while waiting, the doubt, anger, depression, etc. They are very honest about their own feelings, believing, waiting, and experiencing bouts of impatience. They share how they finally came to the place where they can say, “We are content and expectant at the same time.” (120)

This is an excellent book on how to handle the hard task of waiting on God. If you are feeling disappointed with God, this would be a good book to read. If you don't understand why you have not received what you are convinced God has promised you, this is a good book to read. If you are facing obstacles along your path of belief, this is a good book to read. The authors are realistic yet remain expectant that God will fulfill His promise. You will be encouraged to continue in faith while trusting God.

You can watch a book trailer here.

Mark & Tammy Endres founded Hand of Jesus Ministries Inc, a prayer and equipping resource to impact a hurting world. They are licensed and ordained through the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening. Mark is a facilitator for the Christian Healing Certification Program. He has a bachelor's degree in special education and a master's degree in human resource development. Tammy is a retired special education teacher and the author of devotionals and teaching materials. Find out more at

Charisma House, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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