Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Dubiosity by Christy Barritt

This novel grabbed me at the first scene and kept me quickly turning pages to the very end.

Savannah, after a car bomb killed her husband and young daughter, has moved to be near her friend Marti. Savannah pays the bills by continuing to edit for publishers. When Marti suggests she rent out the small cottage to a boarder, Clive comes on the scene. He is on a mission to find out who killed his wife six years ago. The worlds of Savannah and Clive collide and migrant workers go missing, Marti is attacked, and it looks like someone in the area is willing to keep something secret no matter the cost.

This is a great mystery. I really liked the way Barritt revealed the back stories of Savannah and Clive. We get the information we need right when it is a vital part of the plot. The character development is very good. Both Savannah and Clive are troubled and must come to a place of reconciliation. For Savannah, it is her relationship with God. For Clive, it is his intense desire to deliver revenge to his wife's murderer.

I also like the way Barritt provided so many suspects. We know there is someone out there, periodically watching Savannah's house. We know he is a killer but the way the novel is developed, it could have been one of at least three men. What a great way to keep us guessing until the very end.

I am impressed with this author and can't believe this is the first novel of hers I have read. She has immediately become one of my favorites. I'll be catching up on old titles and avidly looking for new ones.

You can watch a short book trailer here.

Christy Barrit has written more than two dozen mystery and romantic suspense novels selling a half a million copies. She won the Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Suspense and Mystery, and was twice nominated for the Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice Award. She was born in Virginia and was a newspaper journalist for ten years. Her husband is a children's pastor and they have two sons.

Waterfall Press, 338 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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