Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Devil's Eyes by Ace Collins

The hard boiled action continues in this episode five of In The President's Service.

About this episode:
The Devil’s Eyes picks up where Fatal Addiction left off, with singer Grace Lupino charming her way into men’s hearts while plunging a knife in the back of anyone who gets in her way.
While Helen Meeker and her team, supposedly dead, hide in the shadows, trying to discover the identity of the mole in the White House as well as uncover the truth of who is behind the evil that snuffs out lives and steals souls without a twinge of conscience, some of the most important and valued documents in American history become a pawn between life and death.

My review:
This series is revealing the brilliant Dr. Bauer, the mastermind evil man behind some very nefarious acts. He is a master manipulator of people. With the possible fountain of youth in their sights, they'll do anything he asks. He longs for the time when he can delude Hitler and bring him under his own power.

I really like Helen. She is one smart FBI style operative. Grace Lupino has hidden the documents both Bauer and Helen are trying to recover. I love it that Helen uses her head rather than the brute force Bauer favors. But Grace is no dummy and Helen may have finally met her intellectual match.

The action continues in this episode, even if at a slower pace. Helen gets a few more clues but we will have to wait until the next episode to see how it plays out.

Go to these links to read reviews of earlier episodes: Date with Death The Dark Pool Blood Brother Fatal Addiction

Ace Collins is the author of several novels, covering everything from value-driven plots to adventures, mysteries, historical stories, sentimental tales and comedy. He has also written several nonfiction books. His work has been made into two network television specials and a CBS movie. Find out more at

Elk Lake Publishing, 102 pages. You can buy the episode here.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this episode from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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