Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Rise to Power by David Francis

About the novel:
This novel begins with the demise of Atlantis and the death of Cartius. Rather than go with the others to the star system Pleiades, he chose to die and reincarnate again. He is reincarnated as James Bannerman, son of the Ninth Earl of Pembroke. His father dies in 1958 and James becomes the Tenth Earl. We follow through his education and his ultimate mission to unlock the mystery of the throne which has been locked in the East Wing of the estate.

My review:
This book centers on promoting New Age and eastern religious beliefs. Besides reincarnation, we also are instructed in the Law of Karma and the karmic wheel. When people die they go to a fourth dimension where there is a chance for their souls and bodies to evolve. We are told hell is a man made illusion. We are told about the seven colors of the chakra and about reading individual auras. The overarching concept of the story is the enlightenment of mankind and humans becoming more spiritually aware, leading to a new awakening. James has spiritual guides that help him in esoteric and spiritual matters. We also read of channeling through a psychic and the use of crystals.

In addition to the New Age and eastern beliefs, there are many sexual encounters outside of marriage. James feels attracted to a number of women and has sex with several. Some of the encounters were definitely too graphic for me. There is also mild swearing and the use of vulgar terms.

As a Christian, I cannot recommend this book. While the actual writing is decent, the subject matter undermines biblical truth and Christian belief. Those who believe in reincarnation and karma might like the book.

David Francis was born and educated in England. He immigrated to the United States in 1967. He started his won business in 1982 and sold it to a Belgium consortium in 2003. He spends his time between homes in Texas and Canada.

Clovercroft Publishing, 432 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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