Sunday, January 4, 2015

Waiting on God by Charles F. Stanley

Have you waited and waited for a promise to be fulfilled that you believe God gave to you? Stanley says that learning to wait expectantly is a difficult lesson to learn. It is definitely a faith challenge to the Christian life.

Stanley reminds us that God has our best interest in mind. Waiting on God's schedule takes faith and courage. We must remember that time is a tool God uses to teach us to rely on Him.

Stanley explores what it means to wait on God. He discusses four aspects of waiting: directed (focus on God), purposeful (God's will), active (believing His Word), courageous (knowing the Father is present). He looks at the lessons we can learn and the benefits we can gain from waiting. He helps us build confidence in God's character, identify our idols, know how to discover God's will, and how to claim God's promises. He also writes about spiritual warfare and ends by looking at the rewards of waiting.

I appreciated Stanley's teaching on promises, distinguishing general and limited as well as conditional and unconditional. He helps us understand if a promise is specifically for us. He also helps us test our motives. This is very important, I think, as it is an area where some have gone wrong. He also has a very good teaching on why we suffer. Again, an important topic as many struggle with their faith during such a time.

Stanley has included a number of illustrations for his teaching from his own life and from stories in the Bible. He has prayers throughout the text, as well as at the end of each chapter. Also at the end of each chapter are Points for Active Waiting, points for review and action.

If you wonder why God is delaying, if you are discouraged from waiting, this book will be a great encouragement to you. It will help you understand what God is doing and give you good reason to continue to trust and wait.

Dr. Charles F. Stanley is a bestselling author who has written more than fifty-five books. He has been the senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, since 1971.

Howard Books, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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