Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Dashing Dish by Katie Farrell

We know we are supposed to be healthy eaters. But, what about the taste? Where is the flavor? And why does eating healthy seem so hard?

I am impressed with Farrell. She wanted to show that we can have the flavor, still be healthy, and have simple recipes. She first set up a website, DashingDish.com. Now she has produced this book.

Farrell explains clean eating. It's a lifestyle approach to eating that incorporates whole foods that have not been altered or processed, and that have no chemicals or harmful preservatives added. She has tried to keep the recipes in this book simple, quick, and containing a few basic ingredients.

Everything I have made from this book has been delicious. I really like her use of old-fashioned oats, non-fat Greek yogurt, almond milk and quinoa. Those are items I always have in the house, so I was ready to make many of her recipes without buying unusual foods. I was a little hesitant about her use of artificial sweeteners, but she recommends Stevia and some natural ones.

There is only one change I have made to her recipes. I have a diabetic in the house and I've become used to “sweets” being not as sweet. So I started out adding only half of the recommended amount of sweetener. I do that for all recipes, in general, and it worked with these too. The sweetness is still there but it does not mask the flavors of the other ingredients. The Cookie Dough Overnight Oatmeal is my favorite so far and was a hit. The Slow Cooker Sweet and Sour Chicken is wonderful. I'm waiting for a special occasion to make the Peanut Butter Swirl Brownies.

You can get an idea of the kind of recipes in this book at https://dashingdish.com. You can get an idea of my favorite breakfast recipe here. Yummy! 

I appreciate that Farrell has included the nutrition information for each recipe. She has also included a pantry list so we'll have the necessary ingredients on hand. And there are tips and tricks for baking and cooking that will save time and money.

If you have been wanting to make the transition to clean eating, a healthier approach to cooking and baking, this is a great book to get you started. Farrell gives some great suggestions for substitution clean ingredients for popular yet unhealthy foods. She also has peanut and dairy free recipes for those with allergies.

Get this book and get going on a healthy approach to cooking and baking.

Katie Farrell is a registered nurse with a passion to help women find their true beauty and identity in God. She and her husband of five years live in Brighton, Michigan.

Thomas Nelson, 266 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through Icon Media for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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