Monday, February 2, 2015

Hope During Heartache by Cheri Swalwell

I can't imagine there is anything more painful than losing a child, regardless of the circumstances. It is important, Swalwell writes, that parents have the freedom to share their feelings with others who understand. This book comes out of her own experience and the desire to find a book that would comfort her and offer hope despite the pain. She has compiled these stores as evidence of personal tragedy and yet with ultimate victory.

At first, I found these stories heart breaking. Each of the thirteen contributors share their own pain, emotional and physical. I read about the grief and the anger. Some expressed feelings of guilt (What did I do wrong?). Some thought they were being punished by God. Then I realized each person shared their recovery. These people were survivors and their stories encourage each of us. We will survive too. As the last story, written by the father of a ten year old who died of cancer, reveals, one will never be the same. But there is a new place of realizing that Christians do not grieve as those who have no hope. There will come a time when the entire family will be united again, in heaven.

This is a good book for those who want to understand the experience of losing a child, whether it be through miscarriage or the death of an older child. Although I have not lost a child, I can now begin to understand what the experience brings with it in pain and grief.

Swalwell reports that 25% of women experience a miscarriage. If that includes you, you will find kindred souls in this book. Men and women who have experienced the same kind of pain. And if you have not experienced that pain, reading this book will help you minister to those who have. I highly recommend it.

Cheri Swalwell is the mother of three children who live with her and husband and one child they will meet in heaven some day. She is a regular contributor for Book Fun Magazine and Life to the Fullest. Check out her blog at or “like” her on Facebook.

Spoken from the Heart, 216 pages. You can buy the book here.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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