Sunday, February 15, 2015

Jesus Culture by Banning Liebscher

Liebscher believes each of us is alive right now for a reason. We are in a critical time, the beginning stages of what God proposes to do. God has given him the role of calling out and raising up a breed of revivalists, he writes.

This is an encouraging book about becoming a people whose hearts are burning for revival. Liebscher tells his own story of interning under Bill Johnson. “I was born,” he soon realized, “to see His manifest presence coming to cities, with millions being swept into the Kingdom of Heaven, entire cities and nations being transformed by the power of God.” (32)

He gives amazing stories about this new breed of revivalists who pursue seeing God's glory cover the earth and the Kingdom of God manifest. They are from all walks of life. He also shares his own dreams, revelations, prayer life, and writes about having a sustained passion.

I was happy to see that Liebscher does not discount the older generation. While some say the older generation must get out of the way and let the young move forward, he says all are to be involved, the old training the young. He says the younger generation desperately needs the older generation. He recounts the inheritance he himself has received from the “fathers” and “mothers” in his life.

Imagine “an entire generation who have made Jesus the most important Person in their lives, whose self-esteem is based on what He thinks about them, and who willingly rise up to shine with His glory in the midst of the darkness around them.” (138) If you are ready to be a part of this emerging generation of revivalists, read this book. If you are ready to not just talk about revival but actually demonstrate it, read this book.

The new breed of revivalists that the Lord is releasing across the earth walks in supernatural confidence and boldness, because they have been with Jesus and abide with Him.” (209)

This book really challenges Christians to be the light God has called them to be. Discussion questions are included so this book would be a good one to use in a small group. I recommend it.

You can find out more at

Banning Liebscher and his wife are the founders and directors of Jesus Culture, a ministry dedicated to mobilizing a generation of revivalists and reformers. They are also the Senior Leaders of the church, Jesus Culture Sacramento.

Destiny Image, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary galley of this book through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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