Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Quest for Marriage by Dan Farnow

This is a great book for men, especially ones dating and eventually looking toward marriage. It is a guy friendly book on how to establish a relationship with the opposite sex. It is short and to the point. When Farnow needed a book on the subject he couldn't find one, so he wrote his own.

Farnow tells his own story of dating, courting, engagement and marriage and weaves into it lessons and advice. He admits he is not expert. He is just one fellow sharing his experience with another.

He was brought up in a conservative Christian environment. He ultimately learned it is better to explain the right way to do something rather than just being told what not to do, and that's how he had written this book.

He writes about dating and learning to serve. He gives tips for the first date – what to do and not to do. He relates how his dating made him realize that if he was going to be marriage material, he needed to make some changes. He suggests questions to ask, gives advice on meeting the family and gives insights on women bonding. He relates his engagement experience and the necessity of abstaining from sex until marriage. He advises pre-marital counseling.

He's been married for four years so he also relates what it is like to live with someone day in and day out. He shares his experiences with putting others first, dealing with money, communication, prayer and worship, and in-laws.

Farnow has a great sense of humor and this was a fun book to read. He has excellent suggestions for making your romance and marriage experience better. He also suggests some good books to read if men want to explore a particular topic further.

This is a a great book for young men to read. It will give them a realistic view of dating and marriage while encouraging them to be godly men. I highly recommend it.

Food for thought: “Men, learn to accept that women have been given a gift from God to persuade and keep us in check.”
And this advice to men: “Simply put: You can have your way, or you can be happy.”

Dan Farnow accepted Christ in college and has since served in leadership of two ministries. He has a passion to equip others to overcome obstacles and hurt. He currently does this through ministry at The City Church. He and his wife live in San Diego.

Westbow Press, 186 pages. You can buy the book here.

I received a complimentary digital copy of the book from the author for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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