Saturday, February 21, 2015

Yawning at Tigers by Drew Dyck

Are your church services orderly, sedate and comfortable? You may not be engaging God in His dangerous presence, Dyck suggests.

This book is an invitation to encounter God's blazing holiness. Dyck reminds us how important it is that we have a vision of that holiness. “A proper knowledge of God's holiness is essential for knowing him as he really is, and who we really are.” (53)

The first half of the book is about out tendency to shrink God down to our size. We try to tame Him by ignoring His holiness. The second half of the book is about how we try to tame His love, putting limits on it. We project our own faltering love on Him.

"I'm convinced," he writes, "that there's really one big question at the heart of life and that our answer to this question will ripple throughout our time on earth and into eternity. The question is simply this: are you going to believe that God loves you?" (143)

If you are sensing a spiritual dissatisfaction, if you feel that God has become ordinary and commonplace, this book is for you. Real life with God is dangerous, Dyck says. If you are ready to risk it, this book is for you.

This book would best be used in a discussion group, I think. A twenty page Discussion Guide is provided, making it a good choice for a small group or class.

Food for thought:
We're bored to death of living but scared to death to really live.” (21)

Drew Dyck is managing editor of Leadership Journal, a publication of Christianity Today. He is a frequent conference speaker. You can find out more at

Nelson Books, 209 pages.

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