Monday, March 2, 2015

After a Fashion by Jen Turano

I laughed until tears ran down my cheeks. Turano has crafted a hilarious Christian romance. What a treat.

It all started when Harriet's boss told her to deliver new hats to a young woman who needed, well, a little extra care. When Harriet arrives with the delivery, she finds a screaming match in progress. And it just gets worse – when she gets involved.

It seems the wealthy Oliver Addleshaw had made an arrangement with the woman to act as his social companion for a few days while he entertained a potential business partner. All he needed was a woman on his arm but she thought she was getting a marriage.

The situation falls apart, totally. Having bungled the delivery, it seems Harriet will be out of a job. And then Oliver gets the idea for Harriet to be his needed visible companion. It will just be for a couple of weeks. She needs the money and he needs an attractive woman. The only thing is, Oliver has no idea what he has just done. Harriet is a strong-willed woman. Oliver is in for an adventure!

But it is not all fun and games. An ugly part of Harriet's past comes into the present and endangers her. Also, Oliver has angered a man he basically fired for being mean and incompetent. Both of these situations add some danger and drama to the plot.

I love the strong women in this novel. As the wealthy Abigail Hart says, she is a force to be reckoned with. Lucetta and Millie are Harriet's faithful and valiant friends. Harriet herself is a forceful and capable heroine. She is a woman who knows her mind and will not take orders from any man – even Oliver. More than once she stands up to him when she is unhappy with something he has done.

Of course, if you have strong women you have to have a (sort of) weak man. Oliver is quite a gentleman but I wondered sometimes if he really had a brain in that head of his. He is all business and gives very little thought as to what his decisions will mean for others. Harriet is good at setting him straight, though.

This is a delightful novel and tons of fun. The characters, both good and bad, are developed well. Some are quirky while others are sensitive and giving. The plot and action are terrific. The combination of strong characters and crazy scenes make for an entertaining novel. I highly recommend it.

Jen Turano is the author of five books. She lives near Denver, Colorado. You can find out more at

Bethany House Publishers, 352 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review. 

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