Thursday, March 5, 2015

More by Tammie Head

Don't we want more? Don't we long for the miraculous in our lives, for God's wonderful plan? Instead, we have messy lives, ones that are not so pretty.

Tammie Head knows about going from a messy life to the miraculous. She shares her own story of sexual abuse when young, dropping out of school, a short marriage, attempt at suicide, being a stripper, a good marriage and finding Jesus. As she says of herself, “I had become a walking miracle.” (31)

Hers is a fresh voice, full of enthusiasm and encouragement. She doesn't write using theological jargon. She speaks right from her heart. She's the kind of woman who encourages us to throw ourselves at Jesus' feet and surrender “our guts out – messiness and all – to the One who promises to fulfill us beyond our imaginations.” (16)

I really liked Tammie's writing style. She gives the raw truth with no sugar coating. She give straight talk about sin, conviction, and repentance. She is candidly honest about her own life, like the time she prayed for a drowned man to come back to life (he did not). She has perceptive teaching on so many issues, like doing ministry to be noticed, or having a critical spirit. She even writes about battling the devil.

There is no study guide or discussion questions included, but the word art at the end of each chapter is great.

This is an encouraging book for women. No matter where you have been or what you have done. God has more for you.

Tammie Head loves to help others find the One who rescued her from the trash can of life. She is the author of Duty or Delight? Knowing Where You Stand with God and is the founder of Totally Captivated Ministries. She and her husband live in Cypress, Texas, with their two teen-aged daughters. You can find out more at

B&H Publishing Group, 165 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through Icon Media for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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