Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Prosperous Soul by Cindy Trimm

The life of our soul is very important, Trimm writes. She wants each of us to have a prosperous soul. This is the third book in her series on the vitality of the soul.

She lays a foundation of investigating what true abundance and prosperity mean. She concentrates on the inner attitude rather than the accumulation of stuff. She encourages us to make the decision to hope, be joyful, be grateful, be expectant.

What follows are forty chapters looking at the various aspects of the soul and how to make each of them flourish. She has grouped the chapters around the eight realms of life: spiritual/physical, emotional/intellectual, vocational/calling, relational/reputational. She also covers the eight human drives that coincide with the realms: the drive to be safe, to know, to be known, to bond, to grow, to be recognized, to achieve, to acquire. She adds the corresponding hallmarks of an empowered person: feeling loved, energized, supported, respected, contributive, sense of meaning, connectedness, ownership.

I really like the way Trimm has written this book. I like it that she does not emphasize the accumulation of money or stuff. She concentrates on how we build a prosperous soul the way God wants, not what man considers prosperous. Trimm lays a foundation with an emphasis on grace, the importance of Bible reading, prayer, meditation, fasting, etc.

I was surprised with some of her suggestions – like creativity. “The world needs people who are obsessed with pursuing God and His witty inventions in order to solve real-world problems.” (107) I really like that. And how about a chapter on study? “Don't be afraid to explore new topics.” (110) As a life long learner, I love that!

Other chapters include joy and peace. Others are on fortitude and tenacity. I really appreciate Trimm writing about having grit. She writes, “...the pursuit of God is not for the faint of heart or the fickle.” (142) How about chapters on self-control, kindness, and service?

I really liked Trimm's book. Hers is a fresh voice on what it means to be prosperous. This book will help readers concentrate on developing the kind of character God desires rather than accumulating wealth man desires. It can be used as an eight week study or a forty day devotional reading.

You can read a preview of the book here.

Dr. Cindy Trimm is a bestselling author, keynote speaker, and former senator from Bermuda. She has a background in government, education, theology and human development. Find out more at www.cindytrimm.com.

Destiny Image, 285 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through The Book Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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