Friday, March 13, 2015

You're Loved No Matter What by Holley Gerth

Perfect. Aren't we supposed to have the perfect make-up, the perfect family, the perfect – everything?

Gerth writes about what she calls a scandalous truth: we don't have to be perfect to be loved. The reality is that we are not supposed to be perfect. We are supposed to be human.

Finally, someone with a voice of reason in this, “You can do it all” culture. We can get rid of those unrealistic expectations. We can admit we're a mess, that we don't have it all together.

Gerth explains the allure of perfection, how it appeals to our core needs. She also explains what God requires of us and what Jesus has done for us. She also writes about guilt (how we misunderstand it) and grace. She helps us understand the influence of our parents, friendships, marriage, and leaders.

What a refreshing voice! Gerth helps us find our skills, our love language, personality types, etc., so we can be ourselves. She also helps us understand the difference between pursuing perfection and pursuing excellence. She reveals that the only thing that can truly defeat perfectionism is God's love. She also explains why we will always have that desire for perfection in our hearts – the promise of heaven.

I recommend this book to anyone weighted down by expectations, the pressure to be someone you are not, or by trying to fit in a mold God never intended for you. This book will definitely help you on your way to letting go of that pressure of perfection so that you can be truly who God created you to be.

She ends her book with a “Going Deeper Guide” for individuals and groups. There are questions for each of the eleven chapters. She includes very practical steps for letting go of perfection, with wonderful prayers.

Food for thought:
My worth is not based on the size of my dust bunnies. It's based on who Jesus says I am.”

Find out more at

Read a chapter here.

Holley Gerth is a bestselling author, speaker, certified life coach, and cofounder of the popular website (in)courage. She shares God's heart for women through partnerships with companies like Dayspring. You can find out more at

Revell, 224 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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