Thursday, April 9, 2015

A Sparrow in Terezin by Kristy Cambron

This novel is the continuation of the Hidden Masterpiece series. Although there is some back story in this novel, the plot is quit complex so I would suggest you read The Butterfly and the Violin first. You can read my review of it here.

Cambron weaves a contemporary story with one from World War II. As with the first in the series, the historical part of the novel deals with Jews and their experience under Nazi Germany. Kaja is a young woman whose parents arrange for escape from Prague. She ends up in London and manages to find a job in a newspaper office. When she sees a secret report that the Nazis are killing thousands of Jews, she knows she has to go back to Prague to rescue her parents.

The contemporary story continues to follow Sera and William. Just as the two have said their vows, William is arrested. That event starts a new adventure for Sera as she tries to find the truth about the Hanover family and the illegal sale of estate valuables.

While the novel is good in the end, I felt it got off to a bit of a confusing start. I had read the first in the series, but too long ago to remember details. I wish there had been a bit of a recap of the first novel at the beginning of this one. That would have helped me enjoy the novel more.

That being said, I really like the historical part of the novel. I really appreciated reading about the internment camp. I was delighted to find out that some parts of the novel are based on actual events of the war. There really was art created by the children of Terezin. Of the 15,000 children that passed through the camp between 1942-1944, fewer than a hundred survived the Holocaust. This novel helps us recognize the reality of that history.

I had a little difficulty with the characters in this novel. Kaja is definitely a brave woman but I felt she just made unwise decisions. I also had difficulty with Sera and William. Much of the contemporary plot revolves around the family secrets William has kept from Sera. When I found out what the secret entailed, it just did not seem as important and devastating as William made it out to be. A better man would have had the character to be honest with her long before their wedding.

I would suggest reading this novel for the historical aspect. I learned a great deal from it. For me, the contemporary plot was not as interesting.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this book and you can read other reviews here.

Kristy Cambron has been fascinated with WW II since hearing her grandfather's stories. She holds an art history degree from Indiana University. She is an award winning writer of World War II and Regency novels. She lives with her family in Indiana. You can find out more at

Thomas nelson, 358 pages. You can purchase a copy here.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through Litfuse for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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