Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Get Your Hopes Up! by Joyce Meyer

I love reading Joyce Meyer books. Each one is like an energetic shot in the arm. That's exactly what this one is.

We need to have hope, Meyer reminds us. Hope precedes faith. We need confident anticipation to have faith. We need hope because we cannot function successfully in life without it. It needs to be a hope directed towards God.

Her book is filled with practical encouragement and suggestions about hope. She helps us raise our expectations and learn to trust God. She is specific in helping us develop our hope in times of struggle and hurt, cautioning us about looking for hope in the wrong places.

I really like her suggestion that we inventory our blessings. We can concentrate on what we have and not on what we think we have lost. She encourages us to speak positively, look for the good in everything, help others, and make hope a habit. She gives some great examples of people and what hope has meant to them.

The best lesson I took from this book is that we must hope “on purpose.” Every morning we can choose to complain or be full of hope. We can choose our attitudes, thoughts, words, and actions. (81)

Meyer never lets us forget that the foundation for our hope must be God. She continually aims our focus in His direction. She reminds us of Romans 5:5, that those who put their hope in God will never be disappointed or put to shame.

If you need a positive shot in the arm, read this book. It is full of Scripture based encouragement to keep our hope in God operating to its fullest. 

Here are a couple of quotes to get you excited.
If you don't expect God to do anything great, He won't.” (9)
The best way to receive hope is to give it away.” (127)

Joyce Meyer is one of the world's leading practical Bible teachers. She has written more than a hundred inspirational books. She holds conferences throughout the world. Find out more about her and her ministry at

FaithWords, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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