Monday, May 11, 2015

A Heart's Danger by Colleen Coble

About this episode:
Christmas is coming and the air at Fort Laramie has turned cold. Relations with the Sioux have turned colder. As tensions between soldiers and natives approach a tipping point, a trap has been set for Rand Campbell. Rand's new fiancée wants to keep him from returning to Sarah Montgomery . . . for whom his heart clearly still yearns.

Sarah just wants to move on with her life at Fort Laramie, but doing so under the watchful eyes of both Campbell – the man whose love she craves – and Croftner – the man whose lies have cost her everything.

Will Rand fall victim to the conspiracy and go through with his wedding? Or will he declare his love for Sarah and make good on the promises that brought her into the rugged western territories?

My review:
This is the third in this series of six episodes. You can also read my reviews of the first two books, A Heart's Disguise and A Heart's Obsession.

I really liked the action in this episode. There was plenty of it, involving deadly threats toward both Rand and Sarah. Because of the harm Croftner did to Morning Star in the last episode, the Sioux are moving out and there is talk of war. In addition to that possible war is the war Croftner wages against Rand. His true evil nature is shown in this episode. His desire to do harm is fed by Jessica's jealousy.

An interesting aspect of the story is the relationship between Rand and one of the Sioux warriors. Under attack, Rand does not take the clear shot he had at a young warrior with a facial scar. That act of grace forges a valuable bond between the two men and will ultimately save lives. It is refreshing to read of such bonds being made, as we had seen between Sarah and Morning Star in a previous episode. Some can look beyond the immediate situation to the real human within.

The end of this episode is quite satisfying so I am curious as to how the author will continue this story in episode four, A Heart's Betrayal, coming in June.

I am taking part in a blog tour of this episode and you can read other reviews here.

Colleen Coble is a USA Today best-selling author, having sold more than two million of her books worldwide. Find out more at

Thomas Nelson, 112 pages. You can purchase a copy here.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through Litfuse for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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