Friday, May 1, 2015

Prioritize Your Life by Jennifer Waddle

Waddle uses a play on her last name in this short but powerful book about getting our life in order. A duckling imprints what he first sees. It is done for the animal's own well being. Waddle wants us to imprint too. We need to follow the Savior for our own well being. We are to follow the imprint of God in everything.

The call to follow God was imprinted on our heart when we first saw Jesus as our Savior. Getting our ducks in a row means letting God lead. Everything else will fall into place.

The first “duck” is marriage and being a wife. Next are the ABCs of parenting. Then comes relating to those outside our home, including neighbors and strangers. Next is taking care of ourself (and this “duck” is this far down the line for a reason). Waddle also writes about finances, with some practical suggestions, keeping house (a chapter for the “messies”), and work, whether inside or outside the home. She reminds us that we need to rest and recommends we honor a weekly Sabbath.

I like the way Waddle brings everything back to our relationship with the Lord. Waddle says the most important parts of our lives to keep in order are our relationships so she has concentrated on them in this book. For those who want to go beyond what she has given, Waddle provides links to further resources, such as on parenting and finances, and also recommends books.

This little book is not overwhelming. It would be great for busy wives and moms. Questions included at the end of each chapter are good for personal reflection and could be used in a small group too.

In the end, Waddle reminds us that it is all by grace. We'll never have all our ducts perfectly in a row. But we do look to the One Who does have it all together.

Jennifer Waddle encourages others as an author, speaker, and musician. She contributes to and has also written Scarves of White...Replacing Our Issues with the Covering of Christ. Wife of 23 years, mother of four, and nana of two, she lives with a beautiful view of the Rocky Mountains. You can find out more at

Amazon Digital Services, about 65 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the author for an independent and honest review.

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