Sunday, July 26, 2015

Holly Garden PI: Red is for Rookie by Anne Greene

What a fun novel. Holly Garden is a kick, almost like a Stephanie Plum who has been born again. She's even got a super hero type of guy who just happens to be around when she needs rescuing, a sidekick for stakeouts and a gun toting granny.

Holly is working for her uncle's private investigation company. She and her family's next door neighbor and her best friend Matt, are providing security for a Valentine's Day nonprofit fund raising gala when Matt is kidnapped. Holly is out to find Matt and catch the bad guys, if she doesn't trip over her own shoelaces, that is.

Holly, as hard as she tries to be a good detective, has accidents, smashes cars and generally bumbles her way through the investigation. She manages to rescue a runaway teen and teach a kids' Sunday School class in the process, however. Hers is a well crafted character. She has a soft heart but she so desperately wants to clear her father's name. And she is a committed Christian, devastated when a man is killed as she had not shared the gospel with him.

While this seems to be following the style of the popular Stephanie Plum series, it is a pretty good novel. The writing is good and the dialog is entertaining. If you've read the Stephanie Plum series and have been looking for something similar written from a Christian perspective, this is it.

Anne Greene, writing as W. A. Swonger, is the author of Trail of Tears, published by Moody Press. Her historical romance, Masquerade Marriage, won the 2011 New England Readers' Choice Award and the 2011 Laurel Wreath Award for Published Writers.

Elk Lake Publishing, 278 pages.

I received a complimentary digital galley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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