Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Paranormal Conspiracy by Timothy J. Dailey

Dailey believes there is a conspiracy afoot. It's a plot to lead humans astray, to overthrow the Judeo-Christian worldview.

To prove his point, he looks at various claims, like Bigfoot and UFO sightings, seances, and psychic healing. He spends a great deal of time on Colonel Percy Fawcett, his life, and his attempt in 1925 to find the lost city of Z in the Amazon jungle. He also spends extensive time on Joe Fisher, once caught up in trying to prove reincarnation, who then wrote an expose of it in 1991. A third detailed exploration is into Cicada 3301.

Daily looks at the physical evidence and laws of physics to evaluate the possibility of UFOs. He also looks at the observer's feelings and after effects of people involved and notes their similarity to those of occult involvement.

He draws some conclusions from his investigations. He notes that the entities experienced have intelligence and capabilities far surpassing humans. They can assume forms from animals to UFOs. He suggests they are associated with the occult. It is a grave error, he writes, for humans to think they can comprehend and control the phenomena.

I was a little disappointed in that this book is not quite what I had hoped. Dailey spent a great deal of time on three stories. While it does bring a human interest element to the book, I would have rather had evaluations of a larger number of experiences. He also quotes from many sources so if you have read much on this subject you may see material repeated.

Dailey is concerned about the unchecked encroaching presence of the paranormal and occult in Western culture. He does give readers encouragement at the end of the book that God is greater than the malevolent forces, but he does not give any strategy as to what Christians can be doing about it.

You can read an excerpt here.

Timothy J. Dailey has a PhD in Religion and Ethics from Marquette University. He has written a dozen published books as well as numerous articles. He has taught on several continents and served as a senior fellow for policy at the Family Research Council. He and his wife have five grown children and live in northern Virginia.

Chosen Books, 208 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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