Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Jump Start Your Growth by John Maxwell

Sometimes we need a boost to keep our personal growth going. Maxwell has written this ninety day devotional to do just that, to help us grow into the person we were created to be.

He knows growth does not happen by accident. We need to have a strategic plan. This book contains ninety days of steps on the journey of growth. Each day has about fifteen minutes of reading and writing. He helps us think about what keeps us from growing, about taking risks, finding our passions and skills, the necessity of reflection, identifying our personality type, dealing with negative circumstances, developing character, moving out of our comfort zone, being curious, making trade-offs, and much more.

Maxwell gives plenty of ideas but each reader must do the work. He writes about the benefit of a mentor and gives ideas were to find them, but we are responsible for actually seeking one out. Another example is Maxwell's writing on the necessity of a strategic plan for growth. He encourages us to develop one but gives no specific suggestions as how to do so. We readers still need to go through the work of creating such a plan.

This is not a how-to book. It is a book of encouragement. Readers are encouraged to take the steps of personal growth but not given specific suggestions as to how those steps are accomplished. I would recommend this book to those who have read about creating life plans or life goals and have just gotten bogged down. This is a good book to get you back on track with daily encouragement.

Food for thought: “Nothing else compares to doing what you were created to do.” (40”
Nobody admires average.” (134)

You can read an excerpt from the book here.

John Maxwell is the bestselling author of several books on leadership and personal development. You can find out more at www.johnmaxwell.com.

Center Street, 192 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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