Sunday, August 30, 2015

Street God by Dimas Salaberrios with Angela Hunt

What an amazing story - from hustling drugs as a young teen to being a preacher.

Salaberrios was told by his parents that if he worked hard he would get a good life and a good salary when he was older. But the lure of flashy toys and expensive rides right now was bait that hooked him and drew him into drug dealing as a young teen. He got trapped in an organization and was arrested for the first time when he was only thirteen. Arrested again when he was fifteen, he went to Rikers Island then got out on bail.

He went deeper and deeper into the drug hustling culture. He nearly killed a man in a botched armed robbery. He got hooked on cocaine and then crack. He experienced something like demon possession when there was finally intervention and salvation. Even though he had a new Lord, he was still a drug lord and it took him a while to get out of it all.

His is an amazing story of God's grace and restoration. I can tell God had His hand on Salaberrios, saving his life many times. For me, the book was a lesson on a culture entirely foreign to me. I had no idea how young urban boys got sucked into the drug culture. Salaberrios did an excellent job of explaining the bait that lures them in. It was amazing he made it out of that culture alive as death is a common experience for them.

Salaberrios has had an amazing ministry after he was saved. He has traveled internationally and seen miracles too many to count. He has established a ministry in the drug culture he used to be a part of. What an amazing story!

Salaberrios has written this book with the aim of drawing people to Christ, Who is active, alive, and powerful today. His is a very powerful testimony to that end. I recommend this book to parents and teens alike. It is informative to the culture of the inner city yet is so encouraging as to what God is doing today.

Find out more about the book and the author, watch the book trailer and book endorsements and read the first chapter here.
You can download PDF excerpts and Discussion Questions here.

Dimas Salaberrios is pastor of Infinity Bible Church, which he founded in partnership with Tim Keller and Redeemer City to City, in the South Bronx of New York City. He has shared the gospel on every continent except Antarctica. He is also president of Concerts of Prayer Greater New York. He has a MDiv from Alliance theological Seminary. He and his wife live in the Bronx with their two daughters.
Angela Hunt has authored more than 130 works. He books have sold nearly five million copies worldwide. She has received numerous awards. She has a doctorate in biblical studies and is currently working on her ThD. She and her husband live in Florida.

Tyndale Momentum, 304 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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