Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Jesus Training Manual by Richard Mull

After years in ministry, Mull cried out for the Lord to disciple him. This book is the fruit of that cry.

Mull shares his story, how he came to understand what it means to be a disciple and fulfill God's anointing on his life. He made the choice to passionately pursue God and listen to His voice with a mixture of caution and abandon. Mull had been taught that God was not moving today like He did in the Bible. Yet he began to see God move in mighty ways with healings and words of knowledge. He came to hear God's voice, after much prayer, fasting, and study of Scripture. He shares his experiences with youth revivals, strongholds being broken, dreams, and walking in the power and authority of the Lord.

Mull includes teaching in the latter part of the book. He gives the biblical foundation for hearing God's voice, for engaging in spiritual warfare, and for healing. He has also included great study questions at the end of each chapter.

Mull gives his readers a warning: If you decide to truly pursue God and live what God's Word says, “it will mess up your neat little religion.” (37)

This book is a great example of how God uses a man when he makes the choice of being totally committed to pursuing God and His will for his life. It is also a great example of what God is doing today among those who are waiting on Him. As Mull writes, “It is amazing what God can do with a life when the individual begins to listen to Him.” (108)

I recommend this book to Christians who are at a point in their Christian life when they know there must be more, that something is missing. This book is well founded in Scripture and is a good study for a time when authentic and powerful Christian living is essential.

This book was previously published as Lord, Disciple Me.

Richard Mull is founder and president of Operation Light Force and has ministered worldwide. He holds a MDiv from Columbia International University and has over 25 years of ministry experience. He and his wife have four children.

Destiny Image, 272 pages.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through the Book Club Network for the the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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