Saturday, September 26, 2015

Miracle Drug by Richard L. Mabry MD

This novel is a good medical mystery. Some of the suspense deals with the issues of FDA drug approval and is relevant to medical research and drug success.

The plot deals with a past U. S. President who, upon his return from South America, comes down with diphtheria. When he does not respond to the appropriate drugs, Josh, his newly appointed doctor, is puzzled. But then a lab tech tests the ex-president's fluids, he finds evidence of a very deadly disease. Someone infected the ex-president when he was on his trip. The race is on for an antidote.

There is a little romance and a personal suspense thrown in. Josh has been dating a nurse that went along on the trip and she also shows signs of the deadly disease. So there is additional pressure on Josh to secure the antidote. We learn a little about the FDA and it's drug approval system and how that impacts drug companies and their research.

The only aspect of this novel that was less than excellent was the motive behind the ex-president's illness. The reason, revealed at the end, comes out of left field. I did not feel it was hinted at in the novel so think it is inadequate.

The novel is still a good medical thriller with a good Christian message included. I do appreciate that the author has included a note at the beginning of the book identifying which parts of the book are based on fact. There is also a good reading guide included.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Richard L. Mabry is a retired medical doctor. He has a BA from the University of North Texas and his MD from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. He served in the Air Force and spent a total of 36 years in medicine. He now lives in Texas. You can find out more at and

Abingdon Press, 320 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for the purpose of an independent and honest review.

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